January 26, 2018

Dear CBGS Families,

I hope you survived the cold temps and icy driveways this January has brought our way. Although we lost a bit of instructional time, as usual, your sons and daughters have risen to the occasion and we’re closing up the 2nd quarter and thus first semester.

This letter accompanies your student’s report card. On this report card, you’ll see in the first column your student’s Semester 1 grade for each class. Following to the right are 1st quarter; 2nd quarter grade, which just ended; a culminating exam (if that class had one as a separate grade); and then attendance and comments.

CBGS students are dedicated students who have much to juggle in terms of schoolwork, sports, fine and performing arts, volunteering, and more. We encourage you to reach out to us anytime in order to support your child, in the times that he/she needs extra assistance.

We do know, as well, that school “slumps” can happen – even to the most focused, motivated students. Our expectations for positive learning remain the same until June 1, our last day of school. Attendance matters, as does meeting assignment deadlines, being engaged in class (cell phones generally don’t help that, unless the teacher is showing a cool app!), productively collaborating with peers in group work, and asking their teachers when students do need support or have questions. We hope students will keep up their high-quality work and best effort until the final buzzer. We’re here to help that happen. Let us know if we can address concerns that you see as a parent.

Below are a few upcoming event reminders. Thanks for all you do for CBGS!

All the Best,

Terri L. Perkins, Ed.D., Director – CBGS

Important Dates

Saturday, March 10th – CBGS Science Symposium at VCU

Friday, March 30 – Friday, April 6 – Spring break (There is no school 3/30; school resumes Monday, 4/9)

End of the 3rd Quarter: Thursday, March 23th (report cards issued 3/29)

Monday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m. – Senior Night Essex County High School

January 26, 2018

Dear CBGS Families,

I hope you survived the cold temps and icy driveways this January has brought our way. Although we lost a bit of instructional time, as usual, your sons and daughters have risen to the occasion and we’re closing up the 2nd quarter and thus first semester.

This letter accompanies your student’s report card. On this report card, you’ll see in the first column your student’s Semester 1 grade for each class. Following to the right are 1st quarter; 2nd quarter grade, which just ended; a culminating exam (if that class had one as a separate grade); and then attendance and comments.

CBGS students are dedicated students who have much to juggle in terms of schoolwork, sports, fine and performing arts, volunteering, and more. We encourage you to reach out to us anytime in order to support your child, in the times that he/she needs extra assistance.

We do know, as well, that school “slumps” can happen – even to the most focused, motivated students. Our expectations for positive learning remain the same until June 1, our last day of school. Attendance matters, as does meeting assignment deadlines, being engaged in class (cell phones generally don’t help that, unless the teacher is showing a cool app!), productively collaborating with peers in group work, and asking their teachers when students do need support or have questions. We hope students will keep up their high-quality work and best effort until the final buzzer. We’re here to help that happen. Let us know if we can address concerns that you see as a parent.

Below are a few upcoming event reminders. Thanks for all you do for CBGS!

All the Best,

Terri L. Perkins, Ed.D., Director – CBGS

Important Dates

Saturday, March 10th – CBGS Science Symposium at VCU

Friday, March 30 – Friday, April 6 – Spring break (There is no school 3/30; school resumes Monday, 4/9)

End of the 3rd Quarter: Thursday, March 23th (report cards issued 3/29)

Monday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m. – Senior Night Essex County High School



Dr. Jason Strong, Director
303 Queen Street
Suite C
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: 804-443-0267
Fax: 804-443-4039
Bowling Green Site

16221 Richmond Turnpike
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Phone: 804-633-3406
Fax: 804-633-5579
RCC Glenns Site

12745 College Drive
Glenns, VA 23149
Phone: 804-758-6788
Fax: 804-758-5434
RCC Warsaw Site

52 Campus Drive
Warsaw, VA 22572
Phone: 804-333-1306
Fax: 804-333-1306
The Chesapeake Bay Governor's School is a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education, participating School Divisions and Rappahannock Community College, and a member of NCSSSMST (National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology).
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