Year Appointed: 2023
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Chemistry – B.A.
University of Pittsburgh, Secondary Science Education – M.A.T.


Ms. Carolyn Reiner taught chemistry and environmental science for Richmond County Public Schools for ten years before coming to the Governor’s School. At Rappahannock High School, she coached a one-act competition theater team and worked with students to write original playscripts. She hosted a STEAM Team where students created solar powered creations out of reusable materials and solar panels. Ms. Reiner is currently pursuing a degree in Scientific Glassblowing through Salem Community College in New Jersey and has dreams to one day sculpt glassware for NASA researchers. If she’s not gardening in her backyard or jogging through town, Ms. Reiner can usually be found ankle deep in vernal pools looking for salamander eggs or chasing around her energetic toddler.


Year Appointed: 2023
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Chemistry – B.A.
University of Pittsburgh, Secondary Science Education – M.A.T.


Ms. Carolyn Reiner taught chemistry and environmental science for Richmond County Public Schools for ten years before coming to the Governor’s School. At Rappahannock High School, she coached a one-act competition theater team and worked with students to write original playscripts. She hosted a STEAM Team where students created solar powered creations out of reusable materials and solar panels. Ms. Reiner is currently pursuing a degree in Scientific Glassblowing through Salem Community College in New Jersey and has dreams to one day sculpt glassware for NASA researchers. If she’s not gardening in her backyard or jogging through town, Ms. Reiner can usually be found ankle deep in vernal pools looking for salamander eggs or chasing around her energetic toddler.



Dr. Jason Strong, Director
303 Queen Street
Suite C
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: 804-443-0267
Fax: 804-443-4039
Bowling Green Site

16221 Richmond Turnpike
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Phone: 804-633-3406
Fax: 804-633-5579
RCC Glenns Site

12745 College Drive
Glenns, VA 23149
Phone: 804-758-6788
Fax: 804-758-5434
RCC Warsaw Site

52 Campus Drive
Warsaw, VA 22572
Phone: 804-333-1306
Fax: 804-333-1306
The Chesapeake Bay Governor's School is a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education, participating School Divisions and Rappahannock Community College, and a member of NCSSSMST (National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology).
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