Water quality testingBringing learning out of the classroom is a central part of CBGS teaching philosophy. The annual class field studies help to solidify concepts and provide with real-world examples of issues that students have studied in their classes. Students also visit the Science and Engineering Exposition in Washington, D.C., and a variety of other venues.



Water quality testingBringing learning out of the classroom is a central part of CBGS teaching philosophy. The annual class field studies help to solidify concepts and provide with real-world examples of issues that students have studied in their classes. Students also visit the Science and Engineering Exposition in Washington, D.C., and a variety of other venues.





Dr. Jason Strong, Director
303 Queen Street
Suite C
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: 804-443-0267
Fax: 804-443-4039
Bowling Green Site

16221 Richmond Turnpike
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Phone: 804-633-3406
Fax: 804-633-5579
RCC Glenns Site

12745 College Drive
Glenns, VA 23149
Phone: 804-758-6788
Fax: 804-758-5434
RCC Warsaw Site

52 Campus Drive
Warsaw, VA 22572
Phone: 804-333-1306
Fax: 804-333-1306
The Chesapeake Bay Governor's School is a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education, participating School Divisions and Rappahannock Community College, and a member of NCSSSMST (National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology).
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