Dear Students and Parents:

I hope that you are having an exciting summer!  Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School is gearing up to start a great school year. I wanted to share information about the opening of school.

Reminders of summer assignments

Summer science reading assignments are posted on the website. If you have questions on math assignments, please reach out to your mathematics teacher. All teacher emails can be found here on our website.

Also, students are reminded that summer is a great time to work on community service hours. Keep track of your hours; the form is found on our website.

Orientation Week for NEW Students – Monday August 21 through Thursday, August 24

Orientation for new students will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Monday, August 21 through Thursday, August 24.  Students that are new to CBGS should report to their respective campuses. In addition to meeting your fellow CBGS-ers, orientation will consist of:  (1) an overview of the courses; (2) meeting teachers; (3) details about the overnight field studies program and day trips; (4) information on community service hours; (4) help on study skills; (5) an introduction to mathematics requisite skills; and (6) information on policies and guidelines.

For transportation:  Please check with your local school division regarding transportation for the Orientation Week. There will be no school on Friday, August 25.

First Week of School – Monday, August 28 through Thursday, August 31

School opens for ALL students on Monday, August 28th. Students will report to their respective campus at 8:00 a.m. and will be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. Attendance during the first week of school is very important. Again, please check with your local school division regarding transportation for the first week of school.  There will be no school on Friday, September 1 or on Labor Day, September 4th. However, there is an all day, all-site event, at Belle Isle State Park on Wednesday, August 30.

Field Studies

Field study trips and our annual Science Symposium are essential parts of the CBGS curriculum; students are required to participate. Scheduling is very difficult and we know conflicts are unavoidable. Still, we ask that you make every attempt to have your student keep their calendars clear on the dates listed below. We also stress that students may attend the trip of another site, if they are completely unable to go with their own site classmates.

Dates Grade Level Site
September 23-24 Juniors Warsaw (Colonial Beach, Essex, Northumberland)
September 24-25 Juniors Warsaw (Lancaster, Richmond, Westmoreland)
September 30- October 1 Juniors Glenns
October 1-2 Juniors Bowling Green
September 16-18 Seniors Glenns
September 23-25 Seniors Bowling Green
September 30-October 2 Seniors Warsaw
April 21-23 Sophomores Glenns
April 28-30 Sophomores Bowling Green
May 5-7 Sophomores Warsaw
Saturday, March 10, 2018 ALL STUDENTS AT ALL SITES:  CBGS Science Symposium


Fees:  A postal mailing should come to all families in July, and contains information on trip and other fees. If you would like to pay your student’s fees prior to the opening of school, please mail the check to:  Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School, P.O. Box 1410, Tappahannock, VA  22560. Fees can be submitted to your site Office Associate once school begins, too. Any student in need of financial assistance should contact me at (804) 443-0267 or email

Please feel free to contact me this summer and throughout the year with questions or needs.

All the Best,

Terri L. Perkins, Ed.D.

Director – CBGS

Dear Students and Parents:

I hope that you are having an exciting summer!  Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School is gearing up to start a great school year. I wanted to share information about the opening of school.

Reminders of summer assignments

Summer science reading assignments are posted on the website. If you have questions on math assignments, please reach out to your mathematics teacher. All teacher emails can be found here on our website.

Also, students are reminded that summer is a great time to work on community service hours. Keep track of your hours; the form is found on our website.

Orientation Week for NEW Students – Monday August 21 through Thursday, August 24

Orientation for new students will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Monday, August 21 through Thursday, August 24.  Students that are new to CBGS should report to their respective campuses. In addition to meeting your fellow CBGS-ers, orientation will consist of:  (1) an overview of the courses; (2) meeting teachers; (3) details about the overnight field studies program and day trips; (4) information on community service hours; (4) help on study skills; (5) an introduction to mathematics requisite skills; and (6) information on policies and guidelines.

For transportation:  Please check with your local school division regarding transportation for the Orientation Week. There will be no school on Friday, August 25.

First Week of School – Monday, August 28 through Thursday, August 31

School opens for ALL students on Monday, August 28th. Students will report to their respective campus at 8:00 a.m. and will be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. Attendance during the first week of school is very important. Again, please check with your local school division regarding transportation for the first week of school.  There will be no school on Friday, September 1 or on Labor Day, September 4th. However, there is an all day, all-site event, at Belle Isle State Park on Wednesday, August 30.

Field Studies

Field study trips and our annual Science Symposium are essential parts of the CBGS curriculum; students are required to participate. Scheduling is very difficult and we know conflicts are unavoidable. Still, we ask that you make every attempt to have your student keep their calendars clear on the dates listed below. We also stress that students may attend the trip of another site, if they are completely unable to go with their own site classmates.

Dates Grade Level Site
September 23-24 Juniors Warsaw (Colonial Beach, Essex, Northumberland)
September 24-25 Juniors Warsaw (Lancaster, Richmond, Westmoreland)
September 30- October 1 Juniors Glenns
October 1-2 Juniors Bowling Green
September 16-18 Seniors Glenns
September 23-25 Seniors Bowling Green
September 30-October 2 Seniors Warsaw
April 21-23 Sophomores Glenns
April 28-30 Sophomores Bowling Green
May 5-7 Sophomores Warsaw
Saturday, March 10, 2018 ALL STUDENTS AT ALL SITES:  CBGS Science Symposium


Fees:  A postal mailing should come to all families in July, and contains information on trip and other fees. If you would like to pay your student’s fees prior to the opening of school, please mail the check to:  Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School, P.O. Box 1410, Tappahannock, VA  22560. Fees can be submitted to your site Office Associate once school begins, too. Any student in need of financial assistance should contact me at (804) 443-0267 or email

Please feel free to contact me this summer and throughout the year with questions or needs.

All the Best,

Terri L. Perkins, Ed.D.

Director – CBGS



Dr. Jason Strong, Director
303 Queen Street
Suite C
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: 804-443-0267
Fax: 804-443-4039
Bowling Green Site

16221 Richmond Turnpike
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Phone: 804-633-3406
Fax: 804-633-5579
RCC Glenns Site

12745 College Drive
Glenns, VA 23149
Phone: 804-758-6788
Fax: 804-758-5434
RCC Warsaw Site

52 Campus Drive
Warsaw, VA 22572
Phone: 804-333-1306
Fax: 804-333-1306
The Chesapeake Bay Governor's School is a partnership between the Virginia Department of Education, participating School Divisions and Rappahannock Community College, and a member of NCSSSMST (National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology).
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