October Message from the Director

October 4, 2017

Dear CBGS Families,
The 2017-18 year is in full swing! As we pass the middle of our first nine-weeks, I highlight a few items for your information.

Parent Advisory Groups

CBGS wants to hear from parents and include your involvement in the life of our school.

We have traditionally organized a Parent Advisory Committee, with meetings held in Tappahannock. We have also had more loosely organized meetings at our campuses for parents to check in with me on concerns or initiatives that you want to see continued.

This year I would love to have a representative or two from each county to be on the Parent Advisory Committee. You may actually only need to be available virtually – that is, meetings could be optional, but I’d ask that you send out word on a parent survey or a coffee to be held … or perhaps solicit input on an issue we’re working on.

I’d like to have the group together by late October, so if you are willing to be your area’s representative, please email me at tperkins@cbgs.k12.va.us or call me at 804-443-0267.

Important Calendar Dates

Monday, October 9th – Regular school day for CBGS (Some of our district partners have a modified day on 10/9, Columbus Day. We do not, however, so please know your student should be at CBGS unless sick or otherwise excused.)

Friday, October 27th – End of Quarter 1 … assignments must be in to teachers

Friday, November 3rd – Report Cards sent home (We will email parents if there is a change; occasionally printing or processing problems in our system holds up distribution. However, if you do not hear from us, the reports cards went home with your child BY Friday, 11/3. Please ask to see it.)

Tuesday, November 7th – Parent-Teacher Conferences at Sites 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. NO CBGS SCHOOL FOR OUR STUDENTS ON THIS DAY. Please contact the Site Office Associate at your child’s campus for appointment times.

Thursday, November 16th – All-Site Day Field Trip to Richmond museums (science and fine arts … yes, there is science in the arts!!) Details will follow in early November, with a permission slip.

November 22nd-24th – No School for Thanksgiving Break

One last note: We hope to have all forms and fee payments in soon. Families who need fee scholarship assistance are most welcome to contact me (tperkins@cbgs.k12.va.us or 804-443-0267). Some of the student forms we require are a matter of safety and emergency notifications (e.g., contact info, medical conditions) so please be sure you send us these items. In the coming week, our Office Associates will contact you if they are missing something from you.

Thank you for all you do and please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

All the Best,

Dr. Perkins