November Message from the Director

November 28, 2017

Dear CBGS Families,
We hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday. A few items for your information today…

Inclement Weather

Ah, yes – it will soon be the season when a school closing could occur. Here is a reminder about CBGS’s policy and practices around snow-related closings:

  • When your child’s home school district is closed due to weather, he/she does NOT come to CBGS. Period. We know that in some counties, some roads are clear when others are poor. And we know some students drive or get car rides to school. However, out of a clear priority for safety, if your own district’s superintendent has deemed conditions too dangerous for travel, then CBGS adheres to that same warning. No child should get in a car to travel to CBGS when their home high school is closed for weather. Our teachers will allow for all work to be made up.
  • When your child’s home school district is on a two-hour delay due to weather, he/she does NOT come to CBGS. Since we only meet until 10:30, this is our practice for the same reasons as above.
  • If your child’s home school district is on a one-hour delay due to weather, bus transportation should be provided as normal to allow your child to get to CBGS one hour late.
  • If a high number of our districts close, then CBGS will likely close. We make those decisions just as area superintendents do, and will publicize our closing to you.
  • When our hosting facility institution is closed due to weather, CBGS must close also. This means that CBGS closes if RCC is closed. In addition, for Bowling Green students, our BG site must close if Caroline County Schools close or are delayed 2 hours.

And the big question … how will you know? Check a variety of places, but remember that our Schoology alert is usually the best way to know. We also strive to get word to radio and TV stations; we post it to our website; and we encourage you to be checking your home school district announcements, Caroline County Schools’ announcements (if you are a Bowling Green-CBGS student), and RCC’s website.

Important Dates

Each year, CBGS holds a Science Symposium that involves all 242 of our students from all counties and all sites. Seniors are presenters; juniors listen and learn in order to be prepared for their own time in the spotlight; sophomores also attend talks and also assist with the room monitoring. The date is dictated by availability of our venue, at VCU. Thus, unfortunately, it falls on an SAT Saturday – this year, it is Saturday, March 10th. We ask that all students and families put this event on your calendars and do your best to plan for your student to attend. If there is a conflict that cannot be renegotiated, please have your student let his/her science teacher know right away. And families: plan to join us at VCU that day if you can; it is an awesome event!

CBGS’s winter break is from Wednesday, December 20th (the first day we have off) through Tuesday, January 2nd (we return to classes on Wednesday, January 3rd).

We celebrate our seniors annually with a Senior Night held at Essex County High School. In hopes that all seniors and your family members can attend, please mark your calendars now for Monday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m. Underclassmen are welcome, too, of course!

Thank you for all you do and please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

All the Best,

Terri L. Perkins, Director – CBGS